Friday, April 1, 2011

90 Day Health Challenge Explained

This blog is for those looking for better health. Are you looking to lose weight? Are you looking for better nutrition? Are you trying to overcome a health challenge?

If that is what you are seeking, please watch the video's below and also read over the reason why I am doing this. My overall health has improved drastically since starting the 90 Day Health Challenge. Don't let me reap all the benefits, I encourage you to join me!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Thanks for taking the time to come here..........

As most of you know I do not get involved with any MLM or matrix program's. Most are full of hype, over promise, under deliver and they are full of overpriced products. Not my cup of tea. They are here one day and gone the next. But even though I never join them, I am still sent things constantly by email each and everyday. I read some, but most of the stuff just ends up in the trash bin. I would say 99% of it does.

That was until a few days ago when a friend of mine emailed me. That in itself surprised me because he never does that. Sure he sends me info about HIS products, but never anyone else's. I don't know if you know him, but he is a huge internet marketer who literally makes millions of dollars per year teaching people the proper way to market themselves and their businesses on the internet . You can google him to see what I am talking about. So if he is getting behind something, it must be really, really good.

Russell had sent out an email to his list of around 650K looking for just 11 people to join him in this venture. Ton's of people responded and luckily I was chosen as one of the 11. So I got on the conference call he had setup and what I heard was so good and so simple that I changed my opinion and decided to take a chance and join him.

I really don't have the time or even want to do another business. I run a pretty successful painting company in Ontario now after having spent many years in the telecom industry. It keeps me busy and allows me to also trade forex on the side. Nice quiet life. The last thing I need is more work right? And I am pretty sure most of you are in the same situation. I understand that and I would not waste your time with something if I didn't think it was important for you to at least find out about it.

So here's the deal...........

So many people I see each and every day are getting larger and larger. They are packing on the pounds and there seems to be no end in sight. Even our kids are getting fatter and fatter. They are everywhere and they are our friends, family and associates. They are getting sicker and sicker and some of them are also dying from it. And they don't really have a real solution to stop it. You KNOW what I am talking about.

With all the junk that is in our food, our health is not going to get any better. It's an uphill battle we have to wage each and every day just to stay semi healthy and its not getting any easier. We have to do something about it and we have to do it soon. Unfortunately there really has not been an easy way to do that. Until now.

That's why I was really excited when I saw this. Just watch the video's below and you will find out that there is a very simple and cheap solution to this complex problem we ALL face everyday in our lives.

It's an easy to follow system that doesn't break the bank. In fact it really doesn't cost you any extra money at all as its a meal replacement system. You just move the money you are already spending over to this AMAZING alternative and watch the pounds melt off. Once that starts happening, our bodies can begin repairing themselves, reversing the damage we have caused over the years. Losing weight is the best way to heal ourselves. We can stop taking so many medications, we can be more productive in our lives, our mood swings will go away and our families will be that much happier. It's really a win-win for everyone!

Here is some information about this product:

The road to good health starts with what is called the 90 Day Challenge. You can get started on the 90 day challenge by clicking the banner above. The 90 day challenge is the key to this entire thing. You commit to the program for 90 days, setting your goals and replacing 2 meals a day with these products. At the end of the 90 days, you will be amazed with your transformation. In fact some people who have made such a transformation have been awarded amazing prizes from the company. And these prizes are awarded every 90 days to one male, one female and one couple. Not cheap prizes either, I am talking about free cruises etc. Imagine that, winning a free cruise just for getting into shape? How cool is that?

People on this product have already lost over 2 MILLION pounds of fat. In the video below you will see a lady who lost 78 pounds in 90 that is weight loss. And for doing just that alone, she won a free trip! Now she is getting ready for a marathon.
So even though I am pretty busy, I do like helping people. And that is why you are reading this today. I just wanted to share something with you that will make a difference in your life and the lives of the people you know. All I ask is that you watch at least one of the videos and at least try the product. If this is not for you I understand, but please share this with others who might need to lose weight and solve some health issues or maybe they need to earn extra income. They will thank you for it I promise.

If you share this with just three other people who get started with the 90 Day Challenge, your monthly supply is sent to you for free. No billing at all. Just a box of food that arrives at your door each and every month forever absolutely free. Do you know 3 people who need this?

If this makes sense to you and you are willing to try, I will guide you in the right direction so you are successful with your weight loss as well as your financial success.

Both are really easy to achieve with this company, product and system. They even make it easy to do your due diligence.

ViSalus Due Diligence

Short Version:

  1. Dial this #: (507) 726-3700
  2. Check out this site:
  3. Watch the 20 Min Presentation Video on this site:

Still need more information...?

Due Diligence Resources on ViSalus Sciences

Company Resources:

Company 2010 Performance Highlights:

  • ViSalus momentum curve started Jan 2010. From Jan to Nov 2010, ViSalus grew between 10% to 55% over the previous month's sales volumes! That's 11 months straight of double digit compounded monthly growth!
  • Rank promotions at an all time company high. Over 45 new people have hit the top of the compensation plan already in 2010!
  • Company is averaging $400 in product revenue per Distributor due to an average of 5 Customers per every 1 Distributor.
  • Retention levels at an all time high. Body by Vi Customers are retaining an average of 25% higher than any other customer in company's 5 year history. 100% of Distributors who achieve the "Refer 3, Get your next month free" promotion remain Active.
  • Company has now passed the 2000 mark in BMW qualifiers
  • Close to $2,000,000 in just Ambassador Bonuses awarded in 2010
  • The Body by Vi Challenge has helped people lose approximately 2.5 Million pounds over the first 12 moths!
  • Company featured on in SUCCESS From Home Magazine across North America in September 2010
  • Founder, Blake Mallen, stops by newsstand to buy his own SUCCESS Magazine and talk about the excitement -

For those that are interested in the compensation plan there is a short video below that explains it all on a napkin! No kidding...its so simple you can actually do that.

I encourage you to try this and at least use the products. You will be glad you did. You can get started today by clicking the banner below:

Oh ya, I forgot to mention they have already given away over 2000 free BMW's. In fact they are giving away 3 per day at this point. Its really easy to qualify for one. Its all explained in the napkin comp plan video presentation below.

Thanks again for taking a look! I hope many of you take the 90 Day Challenge or share it with the people you know and care about. Each of us can do our part to change this world and it would be really great if you would join me and help spread the word that there is a simple solution to our health challenges. I look forward to working with you and seeing your transformations!

Warm regards,